Thursday, 16 January 2014

Coming Soon - Reader Reviews

I've just signed up to take part in the Reader Review Program from O'Reilly. This gives me access to copies of various books that O'Reilly are looking to promote in exchange for sharing my feelings about them. I'm a big advocate of reading as part of professional development so I thought this program would be a good fit for me.

There are quite a range of titles to choose from but I decided to start with The Project Management Toolkit, as project management is something I've seen discussed a lot recently. Although not directed at librarians and information professionals specifically I think that books like this are still very useful. The selection also included books on leadership and various computer software - areas I'm keen to explore. I'm looking forward to getting stuck into the project management book and hope to have my thoughts out in a couple of weeks. There are a lot of interesting titles that I'm looking forward to reading - I just wish there were enough hours in the day to read all of them!

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