Monday 10 December 2012

End of year update

It seems like a very long time since I wrote anything on this blog! The only excuse I can give is that I've been extremely busy starting a new job and trying to finish my dissertation. I'm pleased to say that the 'masterpiece' only needs a few more adjustments and it will be done - and I'll be very glad to see the back of it!
If anyone hasn't yet read Helen Murphy's brilliant series of blog posts about the Aberystwyth library course they can be found here - I highly recommend them to anyone who is doing or thinking about starting the course. I'm glad that I did it but happy that it's over and I can get my life back!
The next few months are going to involve some exciting projects and events to blog about. The biggest of these is Chartership which I plan on starting in the new year. Although I want to back-date some of my activities I hope that the process will give me lots of new things to talk about and explore. I intend to use the blog to keep a record and hopefully some of it will be useful to other people.

If anyone is still reading this then stop by in 2013 and find out more!