Saturday, 14 January 2012

Library Day in the Life - Round 8

In the spirit of keeping my New Year resolutions I've finally signed up for the Library Day in the Life project. For anyone who doesn't know, this is a project organised by Bobbi Newman which allows library and information professionals in whatever sector to explain more about their day to day lives. This can be done using blogs, Twitter, YouTube or whatever the librarian feels comfortable with.

I've been meaning to sign up for this project for the last few years since I think that more cataloguers need to let people know about their jobs. I also think it would be great to see what others do all day so we can get some ideas about acquiring new skills! Unfortunately the last few cycles have coincided with periods of "professional depression" for me which meant that I wasn't feeling very warm and fuzzy towards my job and so didn't really want to share. Happily this situation seems to have (somewhat) resolved itself so this time I feel able to contribute. I also think that it will help encourage me back into regular(ish) blogging.

This cycle of the project begins on January 30th and runs until February 5th. I'll aim for daily updates with possibly a reflection at the end but I do have a literature review that I am supposed to be writing so this is subject to change!

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