Thursday, 2 February 2012

Library Day in the Life - day four

Day four of my contribution to the Library Day in the Life project has been pretty similar to the last few days. Cataloguing is a repetitive job by nature but this doesn't mean that it has to be boring. One advantage to working in a Legal Deposit library is that we get a huge range of books so we can be dealing with the latest celebrity biography one minute and a book on quantum physics the next. This helps to stop the work becoming boring, for me at least!

Only a couple of differences in today's work flow. As well as the usual fast-track procedures I catalogued some periodicals. Whilst this is usually the job of the (you guessed it) Periodicals Department, some of the issues are classed as needing separate cataloguing. Usually this is because they are special issues such as conference papers.

The other new activity for today was a brief discussion about starting a blog for the Collection Development and Description Division at the library. We want to explain more to our users and other librarians about what we do and a blog seemed like a natural way to do this. I'm pleased to report that things will hopefully be progressing soon so we had a (very) mini brainstorming session about how to move forward with it.

Tomorrow is the last day of my libday8 week - hopefully I can still find something interesting to say!

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