Monday 10 October 2011

And now, the end is near (or here!)

So we reach the end of another 23things! Maybe I should change the name of this blog to Librarianintraining46things...

I have thought about changing the name of the blog from time to time now that I am nearing the end of my degree course. I've decided against this however since I think the name illustrates that we are always learning, we never stop over our careers. This is what cpd23 has been about for me - developing my skills as part of lifelong learning. Technology is just one aspect that those in the library profession should keep up with, otherwise we risk getting left behind. You can't just learn something once nowadays, you have to keep topping up knowledge and gaining new skills otherwise you will be left behind, with both users and colleagues.

Here is my personal SWOT analysis:

Strengths: willingness to learn new things, genuine interest in the profession, interest in new technologies

Weaknesses: knowing that I should embrace change, but being scared to actually do it, shyness (which doesn't help when it comes to networking)

Opportunities: learning programmes like cpd23, training provided by work, conferences and outside events

Threats: current state of the job market, increased competition for jobs, future of libraries in general (!)

I'm not sure what I can do to change some/all of these things but I'm going to work on it. You don't get anywhere by sitting and letting chances pass you by. This doesn't necessarily mean getting a new job but could be things like using every opportunity to improve my skills.

One thing that I will definitely do is keep up this blog. Posts might not be as regular as they have been over the course of the programme but when I have something relevant to say I will try and post something. I think that blogging is a very valuable tool for librarians, especially those that feel they might not get a voice otherwise. It's also quite therapeutic! Hopefully I will find something interesting to say in the future. Hopefully this blog can become a reflection tool for me which will help when come to start my chartership in the not too distant future - gulp!

Until then....

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